
The custom packaging market is surging rapidly these days. The custom packaging market in the UK is not an exception to its worldwide popularity. And the popularity of packaging trends in the UK has greatly fueled the growth of the global packaging market. Today, we are going to talk about custom packaging trends in the UK.

Custom packaging trends now

It turns out that consumers are willing to spend more money on products with well-looking packaging. A study by UK researchers reveals, that 68% of people believe this and even prefer them! The UK plastic packaging market is valued at USD 384.6 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 442.5 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 2.87% during the forecast period (2021 to 2026). Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET) is commonly found in most plastic packaging products in the country. The University of Edinburgh says the British buy about 118,000 tons of plastic beverage bottles each year. Based on these projections, existing packaging manufacturers can be seen to have increased their ability to meet the scale of domestic demand and trends within UK-based custom packages. What kinds of products does this leave them vulnerable to? You’ll find out soon!
  1. Flexible Packaging
  2. Personalized Packaging
  3. Digital Print Packaging
  4. Recycled Packaging
  5. Clean Label Packaging
And we are going to talk about them one by one.

1. Flexible Packaging

In packaging trends in the UK, Flexible packaging gains its popularity with unique advantages over the others. Products with flexible packaging are easier to store and care about. Another reason that makes it so popular is less material consumption. Moreover, products with flexible packaging usually take less space. As we all know, the more space it costs, the more money you pay. When it comes to shipping and storage, when you save space, you save your money!

2. Personalized Packaging

Personalization can help you stand out from the competition. With growing consumption for packaging trends in UK, it’s more important than ever that your products are tailored to meet those needs specifically. And personalization is now a defining factor for high sales in many businesses. Famous brands have never stopped their effort in customization to seize the trend. See the various shapes of the packaging and the printed lines on it? There you go.

3. Digital Print Packaging

Digital printing allows for a variety of surprise interactions with the customer. For example, you could include an hidden message or gift inside your product packaging that only appears when someone reads it using digital prints on top! All this printing demand for personalization leads to the digital printing packaging trend in the UK. The growth of digital presses has far preceded conventional presses as a result.

4. Recycled Packaging

While you find it fun to personalize your packaging, being friendly to the environment can be a plus. The popularity of environmental protection helps recycled packaging get its place in the packaging trend. We have noticed that more and more people care for our environment. This is a great thing because actions in reducing waste by disposable materials are on the rise today, which means recycling can help. Recycled Packaging seizes the custom packaging trend in UK by using recyclable materials, and reducing the use of harmful substances in packaging. Amcor, for example, is the Australian global leading company in the packaging industry. Now, the company focuses on providing packaging products of recyclable and reusable materials.

5. Clean Label Packaging

Honesty has always been fundamental in the business world. This leads to the packaging trend in the UK of clean labeling. Clean label packaging provides transparency to the customer about what’s in their product. You may find some brands will also list all ingredients and side effects on package labels, making it easy for you as a buyer! Studies revealed that consumers want to know what their food contains. And 50% of them would like to find out the answer by scanning the packages. In this case, a clean label just eases them. Because they will not have to use their phones particularly when the network doesn’t work well. If you are one of them, the prevalence of clean labeling might not surprise you in the custom packaging domain in UK, as a result. primepac custom packaging in Australia Nowadays, more and more sellers use the package as part of their marketing strategy to meet the packaging trends in the UK. You were looking for a way to make your products stand out from the competition, and you found it! Product packaging can really help. If you want to know more, just keep reading.

Consumers care for the packaging

Today, consumers care more about packaging than ever. If you value the product quality and agree that quality is the core successful business, don’t save your bucks on the packages. After all, the product packaging is another defining factor of the quality of the product as a whole.

The packaging is the protection of the goods

You want your custom crystal watch to be in perfect condition before you enjoy its beauty. Ignoring any imperfections is just another way of accepting them, and damages happen more often without protection especially when they come from somewhere else! International shopping has become a fashion, with your goods travelling long distances before they reach you. The safety of these shipments is important to ensure that the product arrives in good condition and can meet all packaging trends set by UK buyers. Besides, the packaging can directly affect your sales performance.

The packaging is the face of your brand

You are looking for 2 necklaces for your girlfriend. They both come with shining quality. And the prices of both do not show much difference. It is really hard for you to make a decision. I know. But later, you find one that comes with decent packaging. And the other one is just in a small little paper box. You probably find this box easily everywhere you walk around. Now, what is your choice? There’s no need to mention the effect of appearance on the user experience. Therefore, think twice when you choose the packaging products for your goods. Not that you understand the importance of custom packaging, how to make your brand distinguishing by packaging solutions then? No worries, the advice is below.

How to boost your sales in the custom packaging trend

1. Make it beautiful

Do you believe in love at first sight? It truly happens. A good-looking design will definitely help improve your package. So, the first piece of advice – make it so beautiful as art that your customers will take photos and share on SNS. If you still remember, Obama got a bunch of votes by the campaign on SNS. And he finally won the election. Once your packaging is beautiful enough, you will find a way to the trend. After all, getting the traffic is the first step of trending the business.

2. Go green and eco-friendly

The eco-friendly products are trending in the United Kingdom right now. As a company that cares more about our environment than making money, you can join this trend and establish yourself as trustworthy while also caring for society by being responsible with recycling materials like paper or plastics. Bonus points to brand awareness when customers recognize your efforts in the good deeds for the public. So, choose a packaging solution that adds ecological value to your business. As the other big brands get eco-friendly elements into their product cycle, you will earn your traffic by being part of the circle.

3. Get your packaging into the hits

Remember the lines on the bottle label of a coke? And the sweet words appeared together on the box of your necklace. Packaging can convey important messages as you know. Invite digital printing to be part of the game, personalize your boxes along with the hitting topics on google. Look at the loving eyes of the customers. Your seasonal promotion is going to hit soon!

4. Make full use of your packaging

Under the popularity of being eco-friendly in the packaging market. Most people would not mind using packaging with recycled material, as long as the quality is good enough. By using recycled materials in your product packaging, you are not only doing a great thing for the environment but also reducing cost and waste.And encourage your customers to make more use of your packaging. Both of them show your actions in the eco-friendly trend. Also, give more exposure to your branding.

5. Add values to your label

Since clean labeling is trending in the business, you might as well play along. Where there is space, there is the way. Enlightenment by the thriving market of real estate. And so is your packaging. Make use of the space on your packaging. Tell your customers more about the products. So, they feel more of your care. Like you fetch some material to cook for your dinner. The vendor tells you where they grow the vegetables and how to cook them on the packaging.


In conclusion, the 5 stars in the custom packaging market are trending the game. They are flexible packaging, personalized packaging, digital print packaging, recycled packaging, and clean label packaging. Along with the custom packaging trend, there are 5 pieces of advice. Hopefully, they will help you seize the trend and make some money by taking advantage of the growth of the custom packaging market. Last but not least, we have prepared a dish of packaging solutions for your reference. primepac custom packaging solutions in Australia PrimePac UK is more than willing to help you out with your packaging solutions.