plastic packaging

Say goodbye to plastic packaging habit

The idea of plastic packaging is to keep goods fresh and safe from dirt, however, the cost we pay for this material can be huge.

The abandoned plastics are both environmentally destructive as well economically costly; it might not make sense right away but stopping one step at a time may help us learn how important recycling really was before moving forward again with better alternatives like reusing or even reusing existing products instead of throwing them away after use.

Why wave plastic packaging goodbye?

Environmental impact of plastic packaging

Plastic products have been getting a lot of negative press lately because they are the main contributor to White Pollution.

The abuse and disposal of these materials cause many problems including landfill waste, animal deaths in oceans from ingested plastics or other pollutants that get stuck within their guts due to marine life eating them, etc., Thus, increasing demand for more eco-friendly packaging options than ordinary plastics. Some say business is all about cost and benefits despite the impact on the environment.

Is it worth replacing the whole plastic packaging supply chain? Certainly, it's a tough maneuver to complete the change for most businesses. We do understand the difficulty. The money, the time, the people, and other factors. All these matters.

However, it's wised to gradually switch the packaging to more eco-friendly options. We're sure you will make it if you care about the benefits of your business. The long-term benefits in particular.

Now let's see what benefits it brings by saying goodbye to plastic packaging habits.

Increased brand vision and identity

It is important to have a strong commitment to the environment because people throughout the world want companies who care more than others.

Studies show that these types of businesses often perform better financially as well, so it's only logical for them not just to make green smiles but also money!

Evidence by numbers

Evidence from a global survey released by the video-conferencing company Tandberg. It has revealed that 53% of global consumers prefer to buy from a company with a strong environmental reputation. 53% of global consumers represent 1.1 billion people.

According to another study by Unilever, 21% of consumers would actively choose brands with clearer evidence of sustainability on their packaging.

The study asked 20,000 adults from five countries. This represents a potential untapped opportunity of €966 billion out of a €2.5 trillion total market for sustainable goods.


Given the numbers and facts, businesses responsible for the environment tend to attract more customers. And for environmental responsibility, one of the practices is how to deal with plastic packaging.

Practices of leading companies

McDonald's faced severe public pressure for environmental problems in the late 1980s. The fast-food giant massively switched to foam packaging during that period. Then the polystyrene plastic sandwich box (aka clamshell) used to be the view on every street. And they were one of the key players in the White Pollution.

The pressure from the public about environmental responsibility didn't stop. Although McDonald's phased out plastic packaging over the decades.

Read more about McDonald's packaging history on McDonald's and the Polystyrene Connections

And the effort on reducing plastic packaging has never stopped.

Recently, for example, McDonald's has opened a nearly plastic-free restaurant in Berlin.

All McDonald's restaurants in Germany serve all of their in-house hot drinks in porcelain or glass mugs, rather than paper cups with plastic lids.

McDonald's UK is removing plastic lids from all of its McFlurry options, a change that will reduce plastic waste by 383 metric tons per year.


McDonald's has enhanced its eco-friendly image by continuously solid practices in the reduction of plastic packaging. As a result, customers are willing to pay for their environmental commitments today.

Besides, more and more companies are striving to reduce plastic pollution, including:

  • Unilever, the famous global giant of consumer goods.
  • ASDA, the UK food retailer.
  • Costa Coffee, one of the world's largest coffee companies.
  • Evian, the world-famous brand of bottled water.
  • Tottenham Hotspur, the English professional football club in the Premier League.

And more.

These leading companies have established their reputations through environmentally-conscious practices. These don't come cheap and require dedication to the cause, but it is worth seeing your company grow in stature with you as we all work towards a greener future for one another.

Join the trend as these leading companies. The road ahead may belong. But you could start by gradually switching your plastic packaging strategy. Ask our experienced specialist for packaging solutions.

Government policy is another key factor hosting the farewell to the plastic packaging habit.

Government policy on plastic packaging

To reduce the impact of plastic packaging, government policies in various countries have come into effect.

Unite to achieve the goal of 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable plastic packaging in the UK by 2025.

(source:UK Plastics Convention)

This aims to propel the sustainable packaging industry in the UK. And the UK Packaging Convention will deliver the 100% target. The UK Packaging Convention is a long-standing organization that has been vital to the reduction of environmental impacts from consumer packaging in Great Britain since 1993.

As a UK packaging company, PrimePac has strived to offer sustainable packaging solutions with its best effort.

In the UK, on the other hand. The government has introduced new controls on single-use plastic items from April 2020, according to BBC's report.

And the plastic packaging tax will take effect from April 2022.

Know more about the plastic packaging tax in the UK.

Alternatives over plastic packaging

Recyclable and reusable packaging

Paper-based packaging

With its household name, paper-based packaging is one of the most common alternatives to plastics.

After the main paper material finishes their missions in the frontline, the leftover pieces continue the cycle. Scrap paper is the raw material of a variety of products such as fiber-board, paper sacks, wrapping paper, and more.
Moreover, many companies are adopting and developing paper-based bottles as containers for coffee, soft drinks, and other beverages. You can easily find the paper coffee cups when you try to get some coffee in many coffee shops today.
All in all, paper packaging is a wised choice with eco-friendly packaging ideas. It is a competitive alternative over the other packaging solutions.

Check the paper-based packaging solutions now.

Bio-based Plastics

While traditional plastics might be good for keeping moisture out, bio-based options like Pla (aka polylactic acid) offer an eco-friendly alternative because they come from the fermentation of plant starches and will finally break down into organic compounds in the environment.

However, the abuse of bio-based plastics can cause environmental impacts too. Unlikely to add to the landfill. But the increasing demand for them could lead to shortages of food given the growing population. Therefore, whatever materials to use, awareness of environmental impact remains the most critical. And traditional plastic packaging can play well in reducing environmental impact without abuse.

The durability of plastics means that even when not handled properly, the waste from these materials can linger for centuries.

Polymer chains break down into smaller components at very high temperatures in some chemical recycling processes but only 15% is recycled today - leaving an overwhelming percentage for our environment to take care off.

If we can remember the 3 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - in that particular order of priority, the transition to a more sustainable model is not rocket science.

Reusable Plastic Packaging

You can make a good deed by reusing your traditional plastic packaging.

For example, keep the boxes for new gadgets and use them later when you send them out or take them on vacation with you - this will lower the demand for production while also saving some money on settling abandoned ones!

Get more eco-friendly packaging ideas here.

Optimized packaging solutions

Optimized packaging solutions guarantee product safety while reducing unnecessary packaging. This can effectively reduce the waste and abuse of both plastic and other materials.

The optimization of packaging solutions covers all processes from designing and selecting packaging materials to choose the proper packaging portfolio.

For example, you want your jelly in a pouch with an accurate size. You can always put it in bigger pouches though. But doing this can avoid customers from posting negative comments like an oversized bag and little to drink on their SNS.

Meanwhile, choosing the proper solutions requires both knowledge and experience in the packaging field. If you need help, feel free to let us know.

Bio-ink makes it fully green

Plastic packaging has been popular until today. One of the reasons is the combination of various colors. While there are limits on the colors for most fully compostable packaging. Kraft printing, for example, typically has a maximum of 2 colors.

Some might question, there are bunches of boxes in the market with colorful covers. Pretty true.

However, we are talking about fully compostable, including the ink. Not every box or paper-based packaging comes with bio-ink. Some of the ink can harm the environment and hurt humans.

Meanwhile, the limit of 2 colors in the packaging offers only a few options in branding.

Fortunately, PrimePac now offers a full-color printing solution on its whole bio-compost line. And of course, that comes with bio-ink.

Even water-based adhesive we apply does no harm to the environment if buried into the ground.

When less is more

You probably have spent plenty of time getting the right packaging solutions for your products.

At the same time, there are some other easy little tricks in life. Small every day habits can lead to a great impact on the environment.

Learn these tips below and join the farewell to the plastic packaging habit.

  1. Carry reusable shopping bags.
  2. Give up bottled water.
  3. Carry your own containers for take-out food and leftovers.
  4. Buy fresh bread that comes in either paper bags or no bags.
  5. Keep your own reusable foodware at the office.

Find out more on 100 Steps to a Plastic-Free Life.

Biodegradable Packaging

Wonderful Eco-friendly packaging ideas


Before we go deep into the topic of eco-friendly packaging ideas, let's talk about the word "eco-friendly" itself.

And I am sure you will find more footprint of the word "eco-friendly". It sounds like a result of our rising awareness for environmental protection, and it has been such an unfortunate story that led to this change in attitude. Despite all these bad things happening around us - being eco-friendly is what's trendy now!

However, do you know really know what eco-friendly is?

Here's the definition on Wikipedia below,

"Environment-friendly processes, or environmental-friendly processes (also referred to as eco-friendly, nature-friendly, and green), are sustainability and marketing terms referring to goods and services, laws, guidelines and policies that claim reduced, minimal, or no harm upon ecosystems or the environment."(source:

The eco-friendly topic was not strange to you and it's a huge one that can cover every detail of life.

Packaging refers to product packaging with less or no harm done to the environment in general but there are various levels when we talk about this term so let me break them down:
1) Eco Friendly - On average, these items have some recycled content which helps out our planet more than what would otherwise happen if they were made from entirely natural materials;

2)Re usage friendly

Therefore, eco-friendly packaging solutions have become more crucial than ever.

Packaging has played a big part in life after all.

Eco-friendly packaging ideas #1: More than environmental protection

The importance of eco-friendly packaging is more than the reduction of environmental impact.

About society and economy

The environment is closely tied with our own culture and economy. If we continue on this path, it will only get worse for both humans as well as natural habitats around the world!

It's time that people took some action - there are so many ways you can help protect Earth without spending money or doing anything too difficult

: use reusable shopping bags/boxes at checkout instead of plastic ones; recycle whenever possible; drive less because cars contribute significantly more greenhouse gases than trains do.

The business model benefits all involved. Packaged goods companies reduce material costs, gain positive community attention, rebrand themselves as environmentally conscious, and gain actionable data on an emerging subset of their target population.

End-users gain the satisfaction of knowing they are minimizing their carbon footprint and introducing their loved ones to best practices.

So, being eco-friendly helps with not only environmental protection but the development of society.

Business benefits

As one of the key elements in society, business shares the benefits of eco-friendly packaging. By adopting eco-friendly packaging ideas, your business will enjoy benefits like

1. Increased brand vision & identity. Because consumers tend to choose companies and products caring more about the community.

2. Enhanced customer satisfaction with eco-friendly packaging solutions easier to dispose of or recycle.

3. Potential sales growth resulting from increased brand vision, identity, and customer satisfaction.

4. The reduced carbon footprint of your business by eco-friendly packaging solutions.

5. Lower costs to deal with environmental problems by the production in the long run.

Now that eco-friendly packaging is so important, what can we do to support it?

A simple and easy way. Use eco-friendly products and solutions.

However, we probably need to know it first. What options do we have as eco-friendly packaging solutions?

Eco-friendly packaging ideas #2: Types of eco-friendly packaging

Generally, there are 2 types of eco-friendly packaging by the ways used. They are (a) recyclable packaging and (b) reusable packaging.

Recyclable Packaging

What makes a package recyclable?

The materials used to produce your recycling-friendly product must be either compostable or biodegradable. For instance, paper-based packaging is always an excellent choice since it breaks down easily in landfills and has minimal impact on Earth's natural resources when disposed of improperly

Common Recyclable Packaging Products

Paper-based packaging

Paper-based packaging is more eco-friendly than other forms of distribution. It's also easy to recycle if it ends up in a landfill because the raw materials are processed before mass production.

The leftover pieces of the main paper material continue their cycle after completing missions in frontline. Scrap Paper is one of many raw materials used for producing products such as fiber-board, papersacks and wrapping paper among others.
Moreover, many companies are adopting and developing paper-based bottles as containers for coffee, soft drinks, and other beverages. You can easily find the paper coffee cups when you try to get some coffee in many coffee shops today.
At the same time, the usage of paper bags to keep dry foods has become prevalent such as coffee, tea leaves, snack food and nuts, cookies and candy, and spices. Because paper-based materials can keep the freshness of the food by "keeping their breath".
All in all, paper packaging is a wised choice with eco-friendly packaging ideas. It is a competitive alternative over the other packaging solutions.


Also read Food Packaging Market Insight to know more about the food packaging market.

Although paper-based packaging solutions are popular for food packaging today, corrugated cardboard might not good at preserving food. And the other fragile products either. Because the cardboard alone might not offer enough strength. And exposure to moisture and humidity can kill the cardboard.

However, thanks to evolving technology, there are still many paper-based options other than corrugated cardboard. Check the paper-based packaging solutions now.

Bio-based Plastics

If the plastics are more attractive to you. The bio-based family in the tribe of plastics is the one with eco-friendly packaging ideas.

Bio-based plastics get their names because they are biodegradable. Among the bio Based Plastics Family, PLA (aka polylactic acid) can be one of those most famous members who use raw material from core literature for producing it; typically coming in formulae such as "PLA - made with 100% renewable resources." The point is that over time this substance will break down into organic compounds.

With the eco-friendly feature, PLA has gained popularity in many countries. It is likely to make the new trend of single-use plastic bags.

However, there are still issues with bio-based plastics. They could cause environmental impacts from the view of sustainability.

Plastics are not likely to cause landfills issues. But with increasing demand, there could potentially be shortages of food crops like corn which are lifesavers for people in some areas given the growing population worldwide and bio-based plastics emerging technology that needs time to figure out how best to handle these problems while also reducing our unnecessary use material-wise.

eco-friendly packaging ideas on paper-based packaging

Reusable Packaging

It is not hard to under the term Reusable Packaging from its literal name. And we can find a lot of reusable packaging around. Also, it highly depends on you to determine whether or not the packaging is reusable.

Now let's take a look at them.

Common Reusable Packaging Products

Plastic Packaging

Yes, it is the plastics again. Despite the bad reputation of White Pollution, even ordinary plastic packaging can be eco-friendly. You can easily do it by using plastic packaging with your eco-friendly packaging ideas.

For example, avoid damage to the box of your new gadgets or the bags of your new clothes. Because they can be containers and protection for some other stuff. Especially when you need to send them out or bring them during vacations.

These easy and handy steps are going to generate excellent eco-friendly results. Since both re-manufacturing, the plastic products and sending the damaged ones are costly to the environment. Sometimes even more than the cost to produce the new products. The lack of oil and the landfill just well witness that.

And your good deeds of re-using the packaging will largely ease the burden on our environment.

Therefore, reusable plastic packaging is also another eco-friendly option. Remember to avoid damaging them and save them for future use next time.

Besides, some paper-based packaging solutions are also reusable now thanks to modern technology.

What packaging to choose?

Now that we have seen the types of eco-friendly packaging, which one to choose then?

We do have some standards to help with your choices.

Eco-friendly Packaging Standards

  1. The packaging is safe for human and the environment throughout its life circle
  1. The technology or way to produce the packaging is clean and does no harm to human and the environment
  1. The packaging meets environmental criteria and is affordable by ordinary consumers

In conclusion, what the packaging solution does and how we deal with it is far more important than the material itself. Sometimes, the ordinary reusable plastic packaging can be more eco-friendly than paper-based ones. Likewise, if we abuse paper, the damage to the environment possibly will exceed that of plastics.

You will make your eco-friendly choice if you understand the key to eco-friendly packaging ideas. That is, taking the whole picture of the environmental impacts of the packaging solutions. From choosing the material, situations to apply, to the way to deal with them after use.

After that, if you are struggling with your options. The experienced packaging specialists from PrimePac are happy to help. Feel free to tell us your needs by clicking here.

Any other eco-friendly packaging ideas we can do for the environment? Yes.

Eco-friendly packaging ideas #3: what else to do?

Reduce Packaging

We have discussed before; the abuse of packaging material can cause environmental problems. Even the eco-friendly materials would be harmful to the community if used improperly.

Therefore, the demand for packaging is the core of the matter.

Here comes another eco-friendly packaging idea then. Reduce unnecessary use and save the material for packaging. Be a participant in the minimal packaging trend.

But how to reduce the use of packaging while ensuring the safety of the products? We know it might be difficult for you. No worries. You have got us to help you with it.

With in-house knowledge, PrimePac can cater to a diverse global audience. Make use of our network of experienced professionals in the packaging industry here.


The time to complete the eco-friendly mission can be long. But we are on our way to implementing eco-friendly packaging ideas. Join us on the ongoing journey by 2 simple actions.

  1. Adopt eco-friendly packaging solutions
  1. Deal with the packaging in eco-friendly ways after use

Do you have more eco-friendly packaging ideas? Tell us here. Your voice matters.

Click to know more eco-friendly packaging solutions with creative designs. Add more value to your brand vision with full-color printing on your eco-friendly packaging.

eco-friendly ideas on packaging solutions

Food Packaging Market

Food Packaging Market Insight Convincingly


The food packaging market is growing with the increasing demand for packaged food. The reasons for the growth include the following
1. Increase in urban population leading to increased food consumption and more people buying packaged food and takeaway.
2. today’s consumers tend to buy more packaged foods.
3. increased consumption of processed foods and takeaways
4. The demand for the longer shelf life of food

As a result, there are opportunities in the food packaging industry today.

Let’s take a look at the food market from all different angles.


Today’s Food Packaging Market

The global food packaging market is expected to exceed $338 billion.

On the other hand, the development of food packaging products has never stopped meeting the needs of customers.

The global food packaging market size is estimated at USD 339.63 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 5.1% during the forecast period. Changing dietary habits and fast-paced lives are driving factors for consumers who want convenience when shopping – all leading to increased demand for products with longer shelf life and high barrier properties so customers can trust what’s inside their packaging!

The U.S. market for plastic, metal, and glass packaging is expected to grow as more and more of the urban population prefers single-serve packaged foods.

Among the many factors, packaging materials play a decisive role.

Food Packaging Market by Material

Generally speaking, the popular materials for food packaging products today are mainly

1. paper and cardboard

2. rigid and flexible plastics

3. glass

4. Metal

1. the current food packaging market paper and cardboard

Paper packaging materials have become one of the favorite packaging products. In fact, more and more people are adopting paper and paper-based packaging products. After all, paper bags and cartons enjoy a reputation as a household name for biodegradable solutions.

Because of this, many expect the packaging market for paper and paper-based materials to grow.

Flexible packaging is the fastest-growing segment, growing at a CAGR of about 6.0% from 2020 to 2027 due to its ability to form thinner, lighter, and more compact packages.


2, the current food packaging market rigid plastics and soft plastics

For a long time, plastic material packaging products occupy a pivotal position in the packaging industry. Although traditional plastic packaging materials are not as environmentally friendly as paper packaging materials. Nevertheless, they are today in many ways on the service line. After all, the low price has brought them a group of fans, which has kept them popular until now.

Plastic packaging products have unique advantages over other products. For example, they are excellent at sealing and waterproofing, as you can see for yourself.

In addition, the use of environmentally friendly technologies has extended the life cycle of plastic materials. With recyclable, biodegradable, and compostable features.

Want to learn more about biodegradability and compostability? Also, read more about biodegradable packaging.

3, the current food packaging market glass

The popularity of food glass packaging is undeniable. The material has high performance in terms of preservation and its non-corrosive nature makes it safe for use with most chemicals or other substances that could damage products made from plastic containers.

All these properties make it an ideal packaging material for food preservation and direct food contact.

As a result, the glass materials segment is expected to reach $43.5 billion by 2027.

4、The current food packaging market in metal

Food metal packaging? At first glance, it may seem strange. But think twice and you may find them common and familiar – often cans are used to store canned foods, such as meat or fish (or fruit).

Metal packaging stands out among other products for its ability to extend the shelf life of foods and maintain their nutrition. As a result, the market in metal packaging is not growing as fast as the other areas mentioned above.


If you look at the packaging market by application segment. You will probably find a wide range of uses for packaging solutions in the following industries.

1. Bread and confectionery

2. Dairy products

3. Fruits and vegetables

4. Meat and seafood

1. Bread and confectionery

Bread and confectionery need to be packaged with high-performance moisture-resistant materials. Because moisture is a killer for bakery and confectionery products, this will significantly shorten their shelf life.

At the same time, price is another key factor to consider. Flexible packaging has excellent moisture resistance. It is less expensive compared to paper and metal materials and has a lightweight feature.

Most importantly, flexible packaging has advantages over other packaging solutions.

2、Dairy products

Dairy products are probably a necessity for every household. The continuous demand for dairy products is driving the growth of the packaging market.

On the other hand, the design of the packaging is becoming more and more attractive to customers. Sometimes, you may pick up a bottle of milk or a piece of yogurt because of their attractive packaging.

And all these actions undoubtedly contribute to the market growth of packaged products in the dairy industry.

3. Fruits and vegetables

The fruit and vegetable packaging segment has been growing recently. One of the major reasons for this may be the increase in health awareness.

In order to get more vitamins in your daily meals, you want to go to the supermarket and buy some fruits. You want them to come in a clean bag, preferably made of environmentally friendly materials. Because you want to keep your food in a protected place, not exposed for hours in a public place.

Now you realize that you are one of the contributors to the growing market share of fruit and vegetable packaging.

4. Meat and seafood

The growing demand for meat and seafood has led to the growth of the packaging market in this area. With the exception of dairy products, you probably need them every day, unless you are a vegetarian or vegan.

In addition, meat is one of the things you’ll typically find in popular recommendations for healthy eating habits.

For all these reasons, the packaging market for meat and seafood is growing rapidly.

Regional Diversity

1. the Asia Pacific

2. North America

3. Europe

I. Asia Pacific Food Packaging Market

The Asia Pacific is expected to be the largest market by 2022, accounting for 50% of the total market share.

Among the countries in the region, China is the largest contributor. Chinese consumers have more purchasing power today due to the increase in the middle-class population.

Meanwhile, India is the fastest growing market due to the increased use of food packaging products.

2, North American food packaging market

When it comes to North America, the growth of the packaging market is more the result of the booming retail industry. The massive consumption of packaged food is another reason for the growth of the market.

3, the European food packaging market

The European food packaging market is expected to show a positive trend. Although the domestic market has reached saturation levels.

The region’s export business will largely drive another growth in the packaging industry. One of the main reasons is Europe’s free trade policy.

Paper Food Packaging – Trends

The paper packaging market has been growing rapidly due to various factors.

Among other reasons, the general habit of buying environmentally friendly products is key. More and more people and industries are using and producing paper-based food packaging.

Why? Because paper food packaging has many benefits. Being friendly to the environment is one of the crucial ones.

1. Paper packaging environmental protection

For a long time, the misuse of plastic has greatly damaged the environment. And it’s still going on today!

If you take the initiative, you can easily find evidence of it by simply looking around your community or town – as people living on the planet, we all have a responsibility to maintain it, because our living conditions would probably be better without this type of pollution.

As a result, more and more consumers are looking for ways to improve the environment. They are doing their best to seek environmentally friendly products and reduce the use of non-biodegradable materials. The adoption of paper-based food packaging is testimony to this.

2. Paper packaging is multifunctional

The paper packaging you see today is very different from what you used to see in the past. Thanks in part to modern technology and improvements, this type is becoming stronger and stronger, while also remaining durable over time! You may find that your cardboard boxes remain upright after handling several heavy loads.

Plus, they’re recyclable. After the main paper material has completed its task on the front line, the remaining pieces continue to be recycled. Waste paper is the raw material for fiberboard, paper bags, wrapping paper, and many other products.

In addition, many companies are adopting and developing paper bottles as containers for coffee, soft drinks, and other beverages.

Today, you can easily find paper coffee cups when you try to drink coffee in many coffee shops.

Using paper bags to protect dry foods such as coffee, tea and spices are becoming more and more common. The paper material stays fresh because it “keeps breathing”

All in all, this trend in paper packaging continues and may become a competitive option for other packaging solutions.

3. Paper packaging is lighter

Because of its lightweight, transporting large quantities of goods packed in paper packaging requires less energy.

Today’s paper packaging can handle more situations than in the past, which allows paper containers to not only stay on the service line longer but also to provide better protection for your cargo.

This means less need for additional cargo loads when shipping this way, allowing you to save money!

As the trend continues, you’ll discover even more benefits of paper packaging solutions.


The packaging industry is gaining more opportunities due to the growing trend of the global packaging market. Companies that deal with paper-based packaging and other environmental concerns are likely to reap the greatest benefits.

Despite the constant changes, the market winners always share a common character. They never stop growing and show more care in our communities.

When it comes to the environment, PrimePac continues to do its best.

Paper-based food packaging in PrimePac

We contribute through our ongoing investment in our paper food packaging line. primePac has built a reputation among our customers through creative design and the use of modern technology.

Click to learn more about our paper packaging products. Customers use our paper-based packaging solutions in a variety of applications. Food and beverage, health care, and pet care are the most common.

packaging trends in Australia

Popular Custom packaging trends in UK 2022


The custom packaging market is surging rapidly these days. The custom packaging market in the UK is not an exception to its worldwide popularity. And the popularity of packaging trends in the UK has greatly fueled the growth of the global packaging market.

Today, we are going to talk about custom packaging trends in the UK.

Custom packaging trends now

It turns out that consumers are willing to spend more money on products with well-looking packaging. A study by UK researchers reveals, that 68% of people believe this and even prefer them!

The UK plastic packaging market is valued at USD 384.6 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 442.5 million by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 2.87% during the forecast period (2021 to 2026). Polyethylene terephthalate (PETE or PET) is commonly found in most plastic packaging products in the country. The University of Edinburgh says the British buy about 118,000 tons of plastic beverage bottles each year.

Based on these projections, existing packaging manufacturers can be seen to have increased their ability to meet the scale of domestic demand and trends within UK-based custom packages.

What kinds of products does this leave them vulnerable to? You'll find out soon!

  1. Flexible Packaging
  2. Personalized Packaging
  3. Digital Print Packaging
  4. Recycled Packaging
  5. Clean Label Packaging

And we are going to talk about them one by one.

1. Flexible Packaging

In packaging trends in the UK, Flexible packaging gains its popularity with unique advantages over the others. Products with flexible packaging are easier to store and care about.

Another reason that makes it so popular is less material consumption.

Moreover, products with flexible packaging usually take less space. As we all know, the more space it costs, the more money you pay.

When it comes to shipping and storage, when you save space, you save your money!

2. Personalized Packaging

Personalization can help you stand out from the competition. With growing consumption for packaging trends in UK, it's more important than ever that your products are tailored to meet those needs specifically.

And personalization is now a defining factor for high sales in many businesses. Famous brands have never stopped their effort in customization to seize the trend. See the various shapes of the packaging and the printed lines on it? There you go.

3. Digital Print Packaging

Digital printing allows for a variety of surprise interactions with the customer. For example, you could include an hidden message or gift inside your product packaging that only appears when someone reads it using digital prints on top!

All this printing demand for personalization leads to the digital printing packaging trend in the UK. The growth of digital presses has far preceded conventional presses as a result.

4. Recycled Packaging

While you find it fun to personalize your packaging, being friendly to the environment can be a plus. The popularity of environmental protection helps recycled packaging get its place in the packaging trend.

We have noticed that more and more people care for our environment. This is a great thing because actions in reducing waste by disposable materials are on the rise today, which means recycling can help.

Recycled Packaging seizes the custom packaging trend in UK by using recyclable materials, and reducing the use of harmful substances in packaging.

Amcor, for example, is the Australian global leading company in the packaging industry. Now, the company focuses on providing packaging products of recyclable and reusable materials.

5. Clean Label Packaging

Honesty has always been fundamental in the business world. This leads to the packaging trend in the UK of clean labeling.

Clean label packaging provides transparency to the customer about what's in their product. You may find some brands will also list all ingredients and side effects on package labels, making it easy for you as a buyer!

Studies revealed that consumers want to know what their food contains. And 50% of them would like to find out the answer by scanning the packages. In this case, a clean label just eases them. Because they will not have to use their phones particularly when the network doesn't work well.

If you are one of them, the prevalence of clean labeling might not surprise you in the custom packaging domain in UK, as a result.

primepac custom packaging in Australia

Nowadays, more and more sellers use the package as part of their marketing strategy to meet the packaging trends in the UK.

You were looking for a way to make your products stand out from the competition, and you found it! Product packaging can really help.

If you want to know more, just keep reading.

Consumers care for the packaging

Today, consumers care more about packaging than ever. If you value the product quality and agree that quality is the core successful business, don't save your bucks on the packages.

After all, the product packaging is another defining factor of the quality of the product as a whole.

The packaging is the protection of the goods

You want your custom crystal watch to be in perfect condition before you enjoy its beauty.

Ignoring any imperfections is just another way of accepting them, and damages happen more often without protection especially when they come from somewhere else!

International shopping has become a fashion, with your goods travelling long distances before they reach you.

The safety of these shipments is important to ensure that the product arrives in good condition and can meet all packaging trends set by UK buyers.

Besides, the packaging can directly affect your sales performance.

The packaging is the face of your brand

You are looking for 2 necklaces for your girlfriend. They both come with shining quality. And the prices of both do not show much difference. It is really hard for you to make a decision. I know.

But later, you find one that comes with decent packaging. And the other one is just in a small little paper box. You probably find this box easily everywhere you walk around. Now, what is your choice?

There's no need to mention the effect of appearance on the user experience.

Therefore, think twice when you choose the packaging products for your goods.

Not that you understand the importance of custom packaging, how to make your brand distinguishing by packaging solutions then? No worries, the advice is below.

How to boost your sales in the custom packaging trend

1. Make it beautiful

Do you believe in love at first sight? It truly happens. A good-looking design will definitely help improve your package.

So, the first piece of advice - make it so beautiful as art that your customers will take photos and share on SNS. If you still remember, Obama got a bunch of votes by the campaign on SNS. And he finally won the election.

Once your packaging is beautiful enough, you will find a way to the trend. After all, getting the traffic is the first step of trending the business.

2. Go green and eco-friendly

The eco-friendly products are trending in the United Kingdom right now.

As a company that cares more about our environment than making money, you can join this trend and establish yourself as trustworthy while also caring for society by being responsible with recycling materials like paper or plastics.

Bonus points to brand awareness when customers recognize your efforts in the good deeds for the public.

So, choose a packaging solution that adds ecological value to your business. As the other big brands get eco-friendly elements into their product cycle, you will earn your traffic by being part of the circle.

3. Get your packaging into the hits

Remember the lines on the bottle label of a coke? And the sweet words appeared together on the box of your necklace. Packaging can convey important messages as you know.

Invite digital printing to be part of the game, personalize your boxes along with the hitting topics on google. Look at the loving eyes of the customers. Your seasonal promotion is going to hit soon!

4. Make full use of your packaging

Under the popularity of being eco-friendly in the packaging market. Most people would not mind using packaging with recycled material, as long as the quality is good enough.

By using recycled materials in your product packaging, you are not only doing a great thing for the environment but also reducing cost and waste.And encourage your customers to make more use of your packaging.

Both of them show your actions in the eco-friendly trend. Also, give more exposure to your branding.

5. Add values to your label

Since clean labeling is trending in the business, you might as well play along.

Where there is space, there is the way. Enlightenment by the thriving market of real estate. And so is your packaging.

Make use of the space on your packaging. Tell your customers more about the products. So, they feel more of your care.

Like you fetch some material to cook for your dinner. The vendor tells you where they grow the vegetables and how to cook them on the packaging.


In conclusion, the 5 stars in the custom packaging market are trending the game. They are flexible packaging, personalized packaging, digital print packaging, recycled packaging, and clean label packaging.

Along with the custom packaging trend, there are 5 pieces of advice. Hopefully, they will help you seize the trend and make some money by taking advantage of the growth of the custom packaging market.

Last but not least, we have prepared a dish of packaging solutions for your reference.

primepac custom packaging solutions in Australia

PrimePac UK is more than willing to help you out with your packaging solutions.



Polypropylene Woven Bags

The Truth About Polypropylene Woven Bags Packaging in 2022

The packaging is usually divided into two categories: one is to promote market sales and the other is to facilitate loading, unloading, storage, storage, and transportation purposes, called industrial packaging. This article will focus on packaging made from polypropylene-pp woven bags. This article first describes the concept of polypropylene woven bags, then outlines its advantages and uses, and then analyzes the dynamics and demands of the polypropylene woven bag market, and finally draws conclusions.

Polypropylene (PP) is a thermoplastic resin made by polymerizing propylene. Polypropylene woven bags also include copolymers of propylene and a small amount of ethylene. Polypropylene is usually a translucent colorless solid, odorless and non-toxic. Due to the regular structure and high crystallization of polypropylene, Its finished products can be steam-sterilized is its outstanding advantage. Its density is 0.90g / cm3, which is the lightest general-purpose plastic. Its strength, rigidity, and transparency are better than polyethylene.

Pacific Bags UK offers a variety of sizes for their woven polypropylene bags, available in both laminated and non-laminated fabrics. This material is strong enough to handle 30-50 KG loads without tearing or puncturing it! These pouches are made from a woven polypropylene fabric that is strong and resistant to punctures. PP woven sachets are available in laminated or non-laminated forms depending on the material. When using this material, it will not produce any poisonous effect, and it will not have any odor. We can process pp into plastic woven bags, which are widely used in the packaging industry. When processing this material, woven bag manufacturers need to burn it to its melting point, so it will have strong heat resistance when it is used later. Steam will also be used for disinfection so that all products will not be damaged during use. It is worth mentioning that the products made from pp have a very small density, so the product is very lightweight and more convenient for us to use. Moreover, the plastic woven bag made of this material also has high strength and corrosion resistance, so as a popular packaging product now, it is not only lightweight and durable but also can be recycled after use; it is truly a popular packaging product.

Advantages of polypropylene woven bag

 #1. Heat resistance of polypropylene woven bags:

The heat resistance of polypropylene is stronger than that of polyethylene. Generally, the melting point of polypropylene is about 40% -50% higher than that of polyethylene, so the product can be sterilized at a temperature above 100 ° C.Similarly, in the field of ordinary packaging bags, polyethylene packaging bags are more suitable for use below 90 ° C, while polypropylene packaging bags can also be used at relatively higher temperatures.

 #2 Rigidity and tensile strength of polypropylene woven bags:

Polypropylene is an excellent material for making plastics because it has some amazing properties. For example, polypropylene has good bending resistance and low density which makes this type of plastic better than others in terms of popularity among consumers who want things that are lightweight yet strong enough to last through years on the shelf without breaking down easily when stored away from sunlight or heat sources.

#3. After decades of development, polypropylene woven bags have undergone great changes in appearance, quality, and use.

The appearance of the pp woven bag is more beautiful and it has an interesting three-dimensional feeling. In terms of quality, at present there are national standards that need to be met before this product can flow into our markets; however, its usage isn’t just limited to food transportation or construction purposes but also as shopping bags which is more environmentally friendly. At the same time, some stores also use it as a packaging bag.

Applications of polypropylene woven bag

1.Agricultural product packaging and replacing paper cement packaging bags

The current situation has 6 billion woven bags being used in cement packaging each year, accounting for more than 85%. With the development and application of flexible container bags, plastic woven bags are widely used in marine, transportation, packaging, and agricultural products. In agricultural product packaging, plastic woven bags have been widely used in aquatic product packaging, poultry feed packaging, and farm covering materials. Common products: feed woven bags, chemical woven bags, putty powder is woven bags, urea woven bags, vegetable mesh bags, fruit mesh bags, etc.

2. Food packaging

In recent years, rice, flour, and other food packaging have gradually been packed in pp woven bags. Common woven bags are rice woven bags, flour woven bags, corn woven bags, and other woven bags.

3. Tourism and transportation

Tents, parasols and various travel bags have plastic woven fabrics that can be used to cover the ground. Tarpaulins are widely used as covering materials replacing cotton tarpaulins that are prone to mildew. It is also widely used in fences and nets in construction. Common products: logistics bags, logistics packaging bags, freight bags, freight packaging bags, etc.

4. Daily necessities

Wherever you go, there are plastic woven products in every corner of your life. They’re used for everything from carpets to clothing and they’ll always be around because we can’t live without them.

5. Anti-flood materials

The construction of flood resistance, dams, riverbanks, railways, and highways is also indispensable for woven bags. They are anti-woven bags, drought-proof bags, and flood-proof bags!

6. Special woven bag

The carbon black bag is the perfect accessory for any industry that requires protection from harsh rays. The material’s biggest feature? It offers increased sun shade, making this type of woven nylon much more protective than an ordinary one.

The ordinary woven bag cannot withstand long-term exposure to the sun. There are also anti-UV woven bags: with anti-ultraviolet function, anti-aging function, etc.

Market dynamics of polypropylene woven bag

According to research in the “Polypropylene Woven Bag and Sack Market”, countries are passing legislation prohibiting the use of plastic bags and imposing taxes to offset the environmental impact of the production and disposal of plastic bags. Although the materials used in polypropylene woven bags and sacks are not completely biodegradable, these bags can be reused and recycled, so the environmental hazards associated with polyethylene (PE) have led to the use of PP woven bags and sacks as more sustainable s Choice. In fact, with the steady increase in demand, the production of polypropylene woven bags and sacks is becoming a profitable small business. According to the British “Daily Mail” report, in the field of fast-moving consumer goods, the expansion of the retail industry has led to a surge in retail outlets, which will continue to bode well for the growth of the PP woven bags and sacks market.

Previously, the initiative the banned plastic bags has been widely accepted by countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Therefore, the Asia-Pacific region (excluding Japan) led by the fast-moving consumer goods industry has naturally become the backbone of the global PP woven bag and sack market. The middle-class population in the region also Is proliferating. In addition, most of the polypropylene woven bags in the Asia-Pacific region are mainly concentrated in China and India.

The market demands of polypropylene woven bags

As the demand for packaging products continues to grow, major manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region realize that the needs of consumers and end-use industries are constantly changing. They will focus on the production of PP woven bags and sacks, and launch a variety of products. Strive to be a reliable manufacturer of custom woven bags. The top five export markets for these manufacturers are the United States, Canada UAE, UK Germany Australia. Mentioning Eastern European and South African polypropylene woven bag industries as well.

From the perspective of value and sales volume, the popular open-mouth bags dominate the PP woven bags and sacks market, which together account for more than 50% of the market share. Due to cost, strength, and environmental reasons, laminated polypropylene is woven bags, and sacks are more favored than non-laminated polypropylene woven bags and sacks, accounting for 60% of global sales. According to Fac.MR (India, Pune) research, the PP woven bag market is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 8% between 2022 and 2028.

Thermoplastic materials are not only sustainable but they also have a lower environmental impact than traditional plastic. The industry is developing more recycled options for these safer, healthier alternatives to fossil fuel-based products. Plastic has become an inevitable trend of sustainable development. In addition, the growing demand for thermoplastic materials in various applications in the electronics, automotive, and manufacturing industries will also promote the development of the global recycled thermoplastic market.

The Asia-Pacific region has been the largest market for polypropylene raw materials and recycled thermoplastics due to a huge demand in fast-moving consumer goods, packaging construction industries. and the increasing awareness of the strong market potential of the polypropylene plastics recycling industry in the society, Driving the area to lead the world in the demand for recycled polypropylene plastics. Europe also has a considerable share of the global market for recycled thermoplastics. The increased use of recycled thermoplastics in the automotive industry, coupled with strict recycling regulations, is expected to drive growth in the European region over the forecast period in polypropylene woven bags.


The applications of thermoplastics are diverse, but the properties of polypropylene make it more widely used. Especially with the environmental protection consciousness, people’s awareness of sustainable development and renewables is gradually increasing.

Polypropylene has been the go-to material for plastic bag manufacturers because it’s durable, affordable, and recyclable. In ten years’ time, polypropylene’s global market share is up significantly from its predecessor – results that have not gone unnoticed by raw material suppliers or end consumers alike.

Waste classification is becoming more and more perfect, and the recycling and utilization of plastic bags have also been put on the agenda by many countries. We always produce plastic waste in our daily life, and the various environmental pollution caused by this plastic waste is getting more and more attention. Therefore, the use of recycled polypropylene woven bags is a general trend, and its market prospects will attract much attention.

About PrimePac

At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in the Uk to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.


With our team in China and UK working as one, we reduce inefficiency so that you deal with one streamlined team from manufacturing right to delivery.

Service support team located in Guangzhou, the manufacturing hub of China, providing rapid response, and local industry knowledge. Warehouse and 3PL network located in Sydney, to provide rapid distribution, and delivery to your customers.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics

Biodegradable Packaging

Focus on Biodegradable Packaging Market

Beverage and food packaging materials are the industries that waste the most energy and resources. The annual production demand for packaging materials is as high as 67 million tons, which not only consumes energy resources but poses a serious threat to the ecological environment. Biodegradable packaging is a great way to reduce our harmful impact on Earth.

Degradable plastic refers to plastics with certain additives (such as starch, modified starch or other cellulose, photosensitizers, degradants, etc.), which have lower stability and are more easily degraded in the natural environment. The use of degradable plastic can help alleviate environmental problems by reducing waste.

After this article gives an overview of the biodegradable packaging market, it mainly explains the types of degradable packaging materials and summarizes the factors driving this market development, and then describes the current market size and forecasts of the market’s future. Finally, it points out various challenges encountered by the degradable packaging industry in the development process.

Biodegradable Packaging

Market review of biodegradable packaging

Companies around the world are adopting sustainable packaging solutions, including the use of biodegradable and recyclable paper. According to statistics, paper packaging solutions will dominate the market in 2022, so the use of paper in packaging materials will increase. To gain a larger share of the market, many companies that provide paper packaging solutions have started focusing on biodegradable products. Industry leaders are working hard to create complete and fully-biological packages for all your needs so you can be sure not just about quality but also sustainability!

Compared to end-user consumers, the demand for these packaging solutions is considered high in the industry because it eliminates the need for attractive packaging in industrial solutions. However, recycling remains one of the main trends observed in the industry.

Although paper products are biodegradable, the process has been determined to be inconsistent in landfills due to the presence of external elements. The impact of the landfill is attracting the attention of municipalities. Governments and organizations are promoting the recycling of disposable landfills, and biodegradable packaging is highly recyclable.

The ability to use biodegradable materials in the packaging industry is increasing due to the growing demand for recyclable materials in end-use industries such as personal and home care, food, and beverage, and pharmaceuticals. which is driving a biodegradable packaging trend that’s sure to continue. In particular, in the food packaging industry, biodegradable packaging materials have been widely used to promote green living around the world, essentially by reducing waste. In addition, in recent decades, continuous efforts to adopt sustainability in sustainable development have led to widespread demand for such packaging materials.

Biodegradable  packaging material types

Green packaging materials mainly refer to materials that have good use performance, or function, have little pollution to the ecological environment, are easily degradable,have high recycling rates, or can be effectively recycled in the environment without causing harm to human bodies.

The biodegradable packaging market was valued at $3.37 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach a market value of $10.3 billion by 2024, with a CAGR of 20.3% during the forecast period from 2022 to 2030.

Biodegradable packaging has been widely used in the packaging industry because of its ecological friendliness. With the rising price of crude oil and issues related to petroleum-based plastics, the concept of using biodegradable plastics as an alternative to various applications such as FMCG, hospital, and manufacturing is increasing, which is driving the development of the market.

The key point of green packaging is whether the packaging materials are reusable and degradable. Biodegradable materials such as bioplastics and paper are widely used in the packaging industry because of their sustainable properties, appearance, and properties.

1.Driven by sustainable development

Degradable materials have less impact on the environment, meet the requirements of sustainable development, and can effectively solve problems such as environmental crises. Therefore, the demand is constantly growing, and biodegradable packaging products are increasingly used in various industries. Since most of the materials used in this package are natural and can be degraded without a catalyst, this package has a wide range of applications in the food and beverage industry.

plastic packaging

Companies are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. Such as Unilever and P & G have promised to switch to natural packaging solutions and reduce their ecological footprint (mainly carbon emissions) by 50%, which is one of the factors driving the use of biodegradable packaging in various industries. More and more innovations, such as automatic and smart packaging solutions in the industry, are being extended to end products.

vegetable packaging

 2. Consumer preference driven

One of the key factors contributing to the growth of this market is the consumer’s increasing focus on environmentally friendly packaging. As consumers’ focus shifts to a healthier life, consumers are more inclined to choose environmentally friendly plastic bags and environmentally friendly food packaging bags, and their demand for natural, environmentally friendly and green products is also increasing. This shift in consumer behavior is forcing major plastics manufacturers and packaging manufacturers to continually explore the possibilities for the application of biodegradable polymer materials.

 3. Legal supervision

In an effort to protect our environment, many countries have strict regulations on waste and the promotion of biodegradable packaging materials. promote the use of biodegradable packaging materials. It is reported that developed countries and regions in Europe, the United States, Japan, and other countries have successively formulated and introduced relevant regulations to restrict the use of non-degradable plastics through measures such as local bans, restrictions, and compulsory collection.

Among them, France introduced a policy in 2005: that all disposable plastic bags must be biodegradable after 2010, it can be seen that non-environment-friendly packaging materials will continue to run into obstacles in the future development market. Correspondingly, environmentally friendly packaging materials will usher in a golden period of development. These materials are usually made from renewable raw materials such as starch and cellulose. Biodegradable plastic can be decomposed into compounds by the enzymatic action of microorganisms, into CO2, methane, and water.

Market size and forecast of biodegradable packaging

Data show that the global packaging market’s demand for degradable plastics will reach 9.45 million tons in 2023, and the market size will reach 113.55 billion US dollars.

The market for degradable plastic packaging is huge, and the demand for food packaging accounts for more than 70% of the market for degradable plastic packaging, which is self-evident. Relevant research also emphasizes the latest development trends. Under the new situation, “green packaging” will be more and more widely used in the logistics industry.

This requires logistics companies that provide packaging services to carry out green packaging transformation, including the use of environmentally friendly materials. Improve material utilization, design folding packaging to reduce empty load rate, establish a packaging reuse system, etc .; promote the production department to adopt packaging that is as simple as possible and made of degradable materials; in the circulation process, various measures should be taken realize the rationalization and modernization of packaging.

A previous IHS Markit report showed that the market value is expected to reach 1.7 billion US dollars by 2023. The report highlights the application of these biodegradable material solutions in various regions and industries.

Challenges of biodegradable packaging

At present, there are still some problems in the development and application of biodegradable polymers:

# Due to issues such as corporate interests, the popularity of degradable plastics is not smooth.

As of now, China’s degradable plastics are still in the stage of publicity and promotion. The degree to which they can be marketized is not very high though there has been some progress made when it comes down to trying green packaging for certain products. In industries mandated by the state, such as disposable plastic cups, lunch boxes, cutlery, and other daily plastic products in the catering industry, the proportion of using degradable plastics is relatively high. As Zhang Jindong, chairman of Suning Holdings Group, said during the two sessions this year, promoting green packaging in the logistics industry is a systematic project, from the use of green recycling products to the establishment of a packaging recycling system and the reduction of express packaging consumables. It requires not only the “marriage” of the government and enterprises but also people’s deep-rooted green ideas in daily life.

#  In addition, the market price of degradable plastic is 2-3 times that of ordinary plastic products.

Degradable plastics have a higher profit level than ordinary ones, but they also come with more risks.The first is higher costs, larger capital occupation, and poor acceptance of downstream companies. The second is that degradable plastics have a certain shelf life. Sales are not smooth, and the risk of loss for the company is greater.

# The degradability of the polymer

The biodegradable polymer is not designed for heavy-duty use and may break down more easily than other materials.

As far as the results of current research and production technologies are concerned, it still takes a long time to make them universally available. The low cost of development, time-degrading, and highly efficient bioplastics is the main direction of future research in this field.

it’s encouraging to see that changes are taking place, and relevant companies have been working hard in the fields of research & development,especially in the application of packaging materials, plastic films, medical materials, and other fields. A revolution with many bright spots around green packaging is ongoing


To sum up, in the long run, increasing domestic environmental awareness will broaden the use of degradable plastics; increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials abroad will increase exports of degradable plastics, and the maturity of degradable plastics production processes will drive costs.

Gradually reduced to the acceptable range for downstream. With the maturity of various conditions, due to its unique properties, the development prospects of biodegradable polymer materials are extremely broad. At the same time, it also plays a huge role in reducing environmental pollution and creating a pollution-free environment for human beings. In the future, the development and research of biodegradable polymer materials should mainly focus on the competing polymer varieties in terms of the basic properties, molding and processing properties, and the price of polymers.

About PrimePac

At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in the UK to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.


With our team in China and UK working as one, we reduce inefficiency so that you deal with one streamlined team from manufacturing right to delivery.

Service support team located in Guangzhou, the manufacturing hub of China, providing rapid response, and local industry knowledge. Warehouse and 3PL network located in Sydney, to provide rapid distribution, and delivery to your customers.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics

Packaging Companies

Top Packaging Companies in the World


We are going to talk about the big packaging companies in the packaging industry today and the ways to succeed under the severe competition in the global packaging market.

Overview of Packaging Market

With the rapid growth of the consumer economy, the demand for packaging products has been increasing all over the world.

To meet these higher requirements and standards, the packaging companies are forced to use different types of materials or implement new technics.

The global packaging industry is a competitive one, with many companies struggling to stay afloat.

The survivors strive to launch new products with different designs or materials to meet the various packaging requirements.

The game of business is always changing, and now it's time to see who is standing out in this competitive environment.

Leading packaging companies with creative products or technology will find new opportunities because they know how important branding can be - even if the industry gets worse overall.

Top 6 Packaging Companies in the World


International Paper is the largest leading packaging company in the world as a manufacturer of pulp and paper packaging.

The giant packaging company was established in 1898, with its headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee, the U.S. International paper has generated a revenue of $21.08 billion with 55,000 employees operating in more than 24 countries. The company manufactures a wide range of packaging products from envelopes to shipping containers.

Also, the company shows a great commitment to the business of recycling. As reported, International Paper has collected over 6 million tons of paper in the U.S. for recycling purposes.


The WestRock is formed by the merger between MeadWestvaco and RockTenn. The company's headquarter is in Norcross, Georgia, the U.S.

Established in 2015, the new packaging company has generated a revenue of $15 billion. Today, the company can support customers from diverse end markets around the world with 42,000 employees in 30 countries.

The products of WestRock include corrugated containers, Kraft paper, folding cartons, paperboard, displays, and protective packaging.

Like the other big packaging companies, West Rock cares about the environment by offering recycling packaging solutions.

Recently, WestRock acquired Kapstone in 2018. This enhances its ability to serve customers across systems. And make the specialty - craft paper products an addition to their packaging solution portfolio.

Other than a packaging company, WestRock is also known as one of the largest integrated recyclers.


Stora Enso is a famous Finnish company specializing in solutions based on wood and biomass, which cover a range of industries and applications worldwide.

The success of the great packaging company is witnessed by various awards. The famous The Golden Egg Award in Sweden is one of them.

At the same time, the packaging company plays a leading role in the bio-economy as a key provider of renewable eco-friendly products in the global packaging markets.

The eco-friendly packaging products by Stora Enso offers a low-carbon alternative to products made from fossil-based or other non-renewable materials.

Currently, you can find their packaging solutions in a wide range of segments, from consumer markets like personal care, food, and beverages, to industrial applications including building, manufacturing, and textiles, etc.


Smurfit Kappa, headquartered in Dublin, is one of the leading providers of paper-based packaging solutions in the world.

As a constituent of the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index AKA FTSE 100 Index, Smurfit Kappa has branches across 23 countries in Europe and 12 in the Americas.

The Ireland-based packaging company has generated revenue of over $10 billion, with an employee base of 46,000 supporting about 350 production sites in 35 countries.

While constantly offering an excellent portfolio of solutions for paper-packing, the packaging company cares about sustainability with sound contributions in multiple countries. The investment by Smurfit Kappa in Mexico recently on the topic of sustainable technology is known as one of the largest investments in the country in the Americas.


Reynolds Group Holding is a leading global packaging company.

Based in Auckland, it manufactures and supplies foodservice and consumer beverage packaging products with aseptic packaging solutions including filling machines, cartons, and spouts.

The packaging company has a wide range of product lines, from consumer products such as wraps, aluminum foils, trays and pans, cups, and straws to packaging materials for household and automobile industries.

With an operation consisting of 5 segments, the packaging products of the company have serviced various industries including retailers mass merchandisers, grocery stores, warehouse clubs, drug stores, and military channels.

The company has an association with the former Reynolds Metal Company, which was the second-largest aluminum company in the United States.


The Amcor Group is a multinational packaging leader in developing and producing responsible packaging products.

The company deals with a range of flexible and rigid packaging products, while cartons and closures are their specialties. You can find their packaging products in various industries including food & beverage, pharmaceutical, medical device, home, and personal care, etc.

Today, the packaging company is dedicated to innovative packaging products with features of lightweight, recyclable and reusable materials. In January 2018, Amcor has pledged to develop all its packaging products to be recyclable or reusable by 2025.

The headquarter of Amcor is in Australia. With around 48,000 staff, Amcor has generated $13 billion in sales with operations spanning more than 40 countries.

When it comes to the UK itself, which packaging companies excel and surpass others in rank within the industry in the UK?

Top 5 Packaging Companies in the UK

1.MyBoxPackaging UK

MyBoxPackaging UK is one of the most famous packaging companies in the UK. They offer some marvelous services to their buyers that enhance their popularity in the market.

They are wholesalers who provide custom product packaging in bulk. The boxes that they make are highly famous for their flexible features. Hence, these packages can be given the shapes of your liking without any discomfort. These boxes are also famous for their eco-friendly features.

This packaging firm also offers high-quality printing to make your boxes outstanding in looks. You can also get the name and logo of your brand get imprinted on your boxes from this company. This would be an excellent marketing strategy.

2. GoCustomBoxes UK

GoCustomBoxes is becoming highly popular in the packaging world due to the astonishing services that it provides to its buyers. You can get many types of custom packaging wholesale from them depending upon the requirements of your products.

The company provides an extensive range of packaging products including bottles and cans, boxes and cartons, recycled paper, closures and caps, rigid packaging, flexible packaging, and other packaging materials and supplies.

In this way, you can get some exclusive boxes that can be caught at the first sight of your customers from this firm. They can also imprint whatever you want on all these boxes. This company is also famous for its quick turnaround time. They also provide their buyers with 24/7 customer support services so that they can access them whenever they want to.

3. TheCustomBoxes UK

TheCustomBoxes UK is a packaging firm that is known for its amazing customization services.

This company mainly supplies boxes manufactured with the help of cardboard materials or corrugated paper that are more environmentally friendly than plastic packaging. It can also provide you with kraft paper boxes that are popular due to their lightweight.

This firm is included in those suppliers that offer multiple customization options to their customers. You can customize their boxes according to your needs without any discomfort. You are not restricted to selecting a suitable shape of the packaging, but also, size can be chosen by you appropriately.

They can also add suitable die-cut windows to your boxes to make them appropriate for the showcasing of your products. They can also offer suitable printing options to you that can meet your requirements.

4. Kite Packaging UK

Kite Packaging UK is emerging as an excellent packaging firm in the market. This is because this company provides its customers with many exclusive facilities.

They do not only benefit their buyers by offering many types of boxes but also provide you with suitable printing choices. You can easily imprint suitable graphics on your custom packaging with a logo.

Their primary goal is to meet the demands of their buyers. They also allow you to get your packages customized according to your requirements so that you can leave a good impression on your targeted population.

This company does not only deal with cardboard boxes but also polythene bags are offered by them. These bags are also customizable to fulfill your requirements.

5. Tiny Box Company the UK

Tiny Box Company UK is included in one of the most famous packaging firms in the UK. This is because their marvelous facilities attract many buyers to them. They can provide their customers with many types of boxes considering their requirements. Suitable printing options are also available according to the needs of the people. This firm has owned good popularity due to its excellent shipping services. They can deliver the packages to your doorsteps within no time.

They also target many types of people by offering no minimum limit for their boxes. They also offer excellent customer support that is always available to facilitate their clients. They mostly use recyclable material for their packages which are also famous for their cost-efficient features. In this way, they do not only pay attention to providing good quality packaging but also save the cost of their customers.

Prime Pac is one of these packaging companies.

Introduction of PrimePac

PrimePac is an industry specialist in the design, manufacture, and supply of packaging products and solutions.

The company has won the trust of our customers with the ability to produce excellent packaging products and solutions combined with creative design by a variety of production lines and professional team, and satisfying service.

PrimePac packaging products



With our team in China and UK working as one, we strived to tailor your needs with our products and solutions with various applications in the packaging industry.



PrimePac warehouse of packaging products



In conclusion, quality and creativity remain the key to success under severe competence in the packaging industry.

The importance of product packaging could be more than what it used to be, particularly in a society of increasing demand for quality in every detail.

After all, a packaging with nice design plays a significant role in the success of your business, although the product quality and performance are equivalently important.

Moreover, the packaging is also another key factor as part of the quality of the product as a whole.

Packaging products are the protection of your goods

With the rapid growth of e-commerce, online shopping has become more and more popular throughout the world.

The goods travel from one place to another before delivery to your hand. Some of the worldwide journeys are long enough from the west-most side of the Pacific to the opposite.

Undoubtedly, the safe shipment of products is the very first guarantee of an enjoyable experience with the product at the beginning.

Other than the function of protection, the product's packaging can directly affect your sales performance.

Packaging products are the face of your brand

There are times you probably fetch a product by the first sight of its attractive packaging. Or you finalize your decision to buy it because you find better packaging after a long struggle in the comparison while the other conditions or performance of the products remain the same.

As you may have experienced, there's no need to mention the effect of appearance on the user experience.

Therefore, be careful when choosing the packaging supplier and products for your goods.

Click to know more about our packaging products offering well protections combined with creative designs for various companies throughout the world.

packaging market

Packaging market trend in UK

Packaging marketing trend

The United Kingdom is a highly globalized economy with an independent, developed and international trading system.

It is estimated that the UK produces around 1.7 million tonnes of plastic raw materials each year. in 2015, the UK even exported £7.5 billion of plastics and plastic products.

However, the UK currently produces about half of the polymers it consumes (3.3 million tons of consumption in 2015) and is therefore heavily dependent on raw material imports. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of only 2.87% during the forecast period (2021-2026) for the UK plastic packaging market.

In addition, the UK market has growing demand for packaging machinery and packaging products. The entire industry hopes to reduce costs, improve efficiency and improve product quality through equipment replacement and optimization of production processes.

This essay mainly outlines the situation of Asia packaging market in 2022 which closely associated with the packaging market of UK and then gives out the problems and demands of the UK packaging industry. Next mainstream trends and necessary measures in the UKpackaging market will be illustrated.

shipping box container

Asia packaging market in 2022

The global packaging market is a large but relatively mature market, and the growth rate is often roughly synchronized with GDP. The packaging industry in the Asia-Pacific region has experienced rapid development and has established a considerable production scale, which has become an important part of the manufacturing industry in this region. Therefore, the development history and prospects of the Asia-Pacific packaging market are the learning objects of UK’s weak packaging market.

The global flexible plastic packaging market is valued at approximately $154.7 billion in 2022. The market is expected to grow further at a CAGR of 4.2% over the forecast period of 2023-2027.

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According to a new study by Smithers, Asia will be the fastest-growing major region in the world by 2024, reaching $458.2 billion that year.

The Asia Pacific has been a major player in the global flexible plastic packaging industry for years. With consumer goods markets like China and India, as well rising mass incomes throughout this region of Earth there’s no stopping growth.

Rapid urbanization and fewer nuclear households in Asia will support greater demand for smaller, single-serve, resealable, and mobile packaging types. China will remain the largest national market – consumer disposable income continues to rise and sustainability will play a greater role in China’s packaging market choices.

Although China and India have had a significant impact on the economic slowdown, but both countries continue to grow rapidly relative the rest of world.

According to Wood Mackenzie, although China’s demand has slowed down but other emerging markets such as Japan and South Korea continue to grow at very slow historical rates.

While India’s rate of growth is slowing, most new developing countries in the region are still growing steadily; though less than before.

Growing industrialization is expected to drive the growth of the global sustainable packaging market during the forecast period. The global sustainable packaging market will grow at an impressive rate of 7% over the next decade thanks to the growing popularity of environmentally friendly products in retail, healthcare and food & beverage industries.

Although the use of flexible packaging in this region is expected to continue to grow significantly, local lawmakers need to find the right way to balance this growth with an effective environmental agenda.” We expect that by 2024, the size of the Asian flexible packaging market will reach $ 52.1 billion. Due to the impact of the coronavirus, there may be short-term disruptions in the next few months, but the epidemic is unlikely to affect the long-term flexible packaging trend throughout the region. “

Problems of the UK packaging market

The packaging industry in the UK has been struggling with many problems over recent years. As markets continue to change, these issues may have a profound impact on businesses and consumers alike; one problem primarily is sustainable development which includes environmental factors like plastic pollution or waste management strategies for production-related chemicals such as recovered film ( RECOVER ). And food safety issues, private labeling issues, etc.

1. Sustainable development is an important development trend in the packaging industry.

Bioplastics and renewable resources have attracted high attention from the industry. Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact of personal behavior on the environment and placing higher demands on businesses.

Therefore, the UK printing industry needs to be more proactive in participating in the sustainable development of the international packaging industry and develop practical measuring tools for manufacturing companies.

2.The increasing number of private label products (unbranded products produced by small and medium-sized companies or farms, and simple packaging processing in supermarkets put on their own brands for sale) poses a serious threat to branded products. In 2009, private label products accounted for 45% and 25% of all products sold in Europe and the United States, respectively, and consumers in these regions have matured. Although retailers and consumers have previously resisted private label products, the latter has greatly improved in terms of quality. In the UK, sales of private label products have continued to grow, and they are now targeting the emerging Asian markets with greater potential.

3.The effect of packaging on product value is obvious. Many companies have differentiated themselves in the market through product packaging. The uniqueness of packaging will become a major feature of best-selling products, and the color barcode on product packaging will also become a new trend. Strengthening packaging innovation is also a major task for packaging companies in the future.

ECO-friendly packaging for cosmetics

Demands of the UK packaging industry

# The demand for convenient packaging is increasing 

Convenience disposable packaging is needed to meet the needs of consumers who have different specifications and flavors. Foods that can be heated in microwaves, salads meals, etc., are common among these packages which may also include gas replacement bubbles on an airplane or hospital food items like Ziploc bags for easy handling while traveling by plane.

# Demand changes along with pressure on social change

Changes in family structure, the increase in single-parent families, and adult participation in work will all affect products and packaging. In particular, the growth of the elderly population. At present, there are nearly 11 million people aged 65 and over in the UK, accounting for 19% of the population, and this will continue to rise in the future. This has also increased the pressure on the easy-to-open packaging system. In the design of the sticker, the visible sticker suitable for the elderly’s vision needs the attention of the packaging supplier and adapts to it.

In addition, with the aging of the population, the social structure of the UK has also changed, which has a certain impact on the packaging of goods. The demand for independent packaging or small packaging of convenience foods is on the rise, and the measurement packaging of unit foods is becoming more and more popular. In addition, in these growth trends, the elderly population in UK is more concerned about product design, packaging, and labelling issues,surroundings

# Individual demand is expanding

The personalized version of social needs can be met with a printed product for several years, and at the same time, it could also have small batches marketed. advances in printing technology will enable the packaging industry to provide customized product packages that are tailored specifically towards certain target markets through color printings as well high speeds without many runs being produced overall.

Trends in the UK packaging industry

Similar to the Asia Pacific region, the UK packaging industry is experiencing the following development trends:

1. Electronic information transmission

The point of sale returns the necessary information in the form of electronic information to the raw material supplier and the processing and manufacturing department, including those material suppliers, so they can timely grasp the current market trends and look forward to future trends.


2.Packaging suppliers will improve operations

Continuous improvement of business management will be the overwhelming goal of UK packaging suppliers at present, and it is also a constant pressure for all packaging suppliers. In the years to come, we will work hard in the following areas.

(1) Improve the level of service to customers.

(2) Reduce inventory costs.

(3) Make better use of distribution centers.

(4) Standardization and standardization of transit transportation and storage systems.

3. Centralized merger ownership will continue

In the UK packaging industry, centralizing and merging all poles will be a significant undertaking. With the establishment of a single European Community, product sales span all countries in the entire European Community. It requires packaging suppliers to be able to negotiate a huge market, both financially and in terms of production scale.

Smaller companies will be restricted in business. Therefore, UK packers will continue to focus on merging packaging companies. In order to be able to form an international scale, it can compete with competitors in the international market.

4. The core role of packaging will remain unchanged

The packaging industry is changing rapidly with society’s various requirements, but it will always be based on whether or not a package can meet its necessary functions. In order to do so- protect products and provide information for consumers -the criterion by which we evaluate packages successfully performs these tasks.

Measures should be implemented by the packaging industry in the future

#1 · Marketing ability should be further strengthened

Packaging promotes product sales, and the above-mentioned development trends in various aspects-lifestyle changes, product differentiation, and pressure from the competition, etc., have forced products to be first designed exquisitely from the appearance of sales packaging, making it more attractive to sell . Therefore, it is expected that high-quality graphic design and the promotional connection between the graphic and the advertisement will be further strengthened in the future.

# 2. Environmental protection should continue to be an important issue

In the UK packaging industry, the issue of environmental protection is very important. They have raised environmental protection to a strategic level and adopted different measures for the recycling of different materials. As a foreign trader who wants to enter the UK market, he must have a clear understanding of this point. Environmental protection will continue to be an important issue for the UK packaging industry. It includes recycling, reducing resource consumption, and reducing the amount of landfill waste.

 #3. Other needs-preservation, anti-counterfeiting, labeling

(1) Preservation-The need to preserve food while also making it convenient for consumers is a pressing issue in today’s world. Techniques like freezing and drying are being used increasingly as ways of extending product shelf life, but there could be even more innovative solutions on the horizon.

(2) Anti-counterfeiting-The need for anti-counterfeiting packaging is also increasing. The concept of anti-counterfeiting packaging refers to the product packaging has a layer of the barrier. Once the product in the package is stolen or tampered with, consumers can see the signs of being stolen from the packaging.

(3) Labels-With the requirement for more detailed content on product labels, including instructions on how to use them and nutritional ingredients among other things comes a standard-compliant one that is able to meet all these new demands.


In general, as the packaging market industry in the Asia-Pacific region slows down due to macroeconomic impacts, increasing demands for convenient packaging and pressure on social change, and hit by centralization of merger ownership, the UK packaging market industry gradually develops to mature market. In order to compete effectively in an increasingly global market, it is important for the UK packaging Industry not only to keep up with megatrends but also to seize opportunities and innovate. In addition, we recommend that professionals improve their skills through education or training programs so they can better tackle challenges as globalization progresses.In light of economic globalization ,as a rising star among world economies-the country’s industry must utilize global resources appropriately while still meeting local needs.

About PrimePac

At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in the UK to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.


With our team in China and UK working as one, we reduce inefficiency so that you deal with one streamlined team from manufacturing right to delivery.

Service support team located in Guangzhou, the manufacturing hub of China, providing rapid response, and local industry knowledge. Warehouse and 3PL net work located in Sydney, to provide rapid distribution, and delivery to your customers.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics

banner - retort pouches

What exactly are retort pouches?

Steaming bags are a convenient and affordable way to cook your food at home. These flexible plastic bag contain already cooked or partially cooked ingredients, which you can seal up for later use without any refrigeration!

Retort pouches as a daily pouch were widely used in our kitchen life. It’s a good assistant for us. For those a thousand types of retort pouches, do you really know what exactly are retort pouches? Or how’s work for our life? What’s special of the material and how’s the standard of those food packaging?

In this article, we’ll show you the answer! Let’s get to know more!

Made from heat-resistant laminated plastic, retort pouches are semi-rigid, flexible packages. Food products like soups, pasta, rice, sauces, and cook-in-a-bag meals are sealed and sterilized in these pouches with a maximum temperature of 121°C. Thus, they are the go-to packaging for convenience, processed, and pre-packaged food.

The history of retort pouches

The idea for retort pouches was promoted by the US army in 1950 and the research continued through 1960. It was finally invented by United States Army Natick R&D Command, Reynolds Metals Company, and Continental Flexible Packaging and was first introduced in Italy. These companies received the Food Technology Industrial Achievement Award for their invention in 1978.

The entrance of new packaging mediums is changing the game for food manufacturers, and retailers alike. The stable vertical package offers an easy way to get your product from point A all the way through sterile storage without any risk or worry about it becoming damaged along its journey.

We have never seen so much packaging innovation in such a short period of time. Pet food manufacturers, seafood manufacturers, and other food manufacturers have begun to consider this new way of customizing food packaging to make their products more attractive to consumers. Cookable pouches offer many advantages over traditional tin cans.

At first, the retort pouches were not accepted by many people. However, as manufacturers and companies realized their benefits over time they became more common in packaging products for sale because of how well-made these bags are to protect your food during transport or storage.

 Inside of retort pouches

Steaming bags are a demanding package consisting of three layers that can be processed like cans, and they’re shelf-stable too! When we wax poet about how well retort pouches to package it is because its internal structural composition has the sturdiness metal tins while protecting your nutrient value inside.Specifically, each pouch consists of four layers as shown in the image below.

  • The first layer is propylene which acts as a heat seal surface and provides strength and flexibility.
  • The next layer which is the nylon layer protects from abrasion.
  • The aluminum layer not only protects from lights, gases, and odor but also extends the product’s shelf life.
  • The final polyester layer provides excellent strength and is very easy to print on.

The materials that go into the packaging of retort pouches are FDA approved and undergo sterilization processes which increase the durability of the packaging.

Material of retort pouches

The structure of the high-temperature resistant cooking bag has two layers, three layers, four layers, and even more.

Among them, the second layer is a transparent plastic/mold, such as PET / CPP or OPA / CPP.

The three layers are transparent plastic/mold, such as PET / OPA / CPP, and opaque types containing aluminum foil, such as PET / AL / CPP, OPP / AL / CPP.

The four layers are opaque PET / AL / OPA / CPP with aluminum foil. This structure is a puncture-resistant, reinforced, large-capacity packaging bag. The OPA should be reasonable between AL and CPP.

The more layers are mainly The inner layer does not use pure CPP film, but uses multi-layer co-extruded film, such as PA / EVOH / PP, PA / PVA / PP co-extruded film plus PET or aluminum foil to form a composite with more layers, but its quantity Not much.

From a functional point of view, the four-layer structure PET / AL / OPA / CPP bag containing aluminum foil can completely meet the requirements of all cooked food.

For these materials used in cooking bags, it is necessary to introduce their properties and functions. In order to ensure the quality of cooking bags, specific requirements should also be put forward.

1. Polyester film PET, also known as biaxial (or biaxial) stretch polyester film

The high melting point and resistance to gas make it perfect for cooking bags. The 12-micron thickness also gives the material an advantage when printing or binding with other materials because of its transparency, strength (from molecular weight), durability etc., all in one package!

When PET is used as the outer layer material and other heat-sealable materials (CPP, PE, etc.) are compounded to heat-seal bags, even if the temperature is as high as 220 ° C, it will not melt and deform, and will not stick to the knife. Bag making. At present, there are many PET film production suppliers in China. Most PET films can meet the high-temperature cooking of 120 ~ 128 ℃, and even meet the high-temperature cooking of 135 ℃. However, there are also some PET films with thermal shrinkage. Large, the problem of deformation after high-temperature cooking. Therefore, when choosing PET for high-temperature cooking, be sure to choose a product with a small heat shrinkage ratio, and then use it with confidence.

2. Aluminum foil AL

Aluminum foil is a metal material. Most of the soft aluminum foils with a thickness of 9 μm are used on the cooking bags. Airtight (O2, N2, CO2, etc.), opaque, and extremely high heat resistance and oil resistance, so the composite bag made of aluminum foil has a full seal (like tinplate cans), high security It has excellent properties such as oil resistance and high-temperature resistance. It is the highest-grade composite flexible packaging material.

3.Cast polypropylene CPP

The most popular material for cooking bag packaging is polypropylene, which has an interior layer of unstretched cast film. The thickness varies depending on what you are using it for; however, 70-80 microns will do just fine when storing food or heating items ensuring their safety from heat damage.

High-temperature retort pouches – as one of the most commonly used cooking bags, its trial materials and standards may be higher. Do you know the high-temperature retort pouches?

Whats High- temperature retort pouches?

Many consumers may not be aware that the product in a steaming bag is cooked in a sealed bag. This revolutionary packaging process is called steaming and is the same process as autoclaving, the ability to heat and sterilize the package and contents.

The high-temperature cooking bag is a kind of composite plastic film bag that can be heated. It has the advantages of both a canned container and a boiling water-resistant plastic bag. Sterilized and heated, ready to eat. After more than ten years of use, it is an ideal sales packaging container.

Types of High-temperature retort pouches

Classification by structure:

Class A: PA / CPP, PET / CPP. Amount of water vapor transmission: ≤15g / (m㈠4h); Amount of oxygen transmission: ≤120cm / (m2㈠4h0.1HPa).

Type B: PA / AL / CPP, PET / AL / CPP. Water vapor transmission rate: ≤0.5g / (m (4h); oxygen transmission volume: ≤0.5cm / (m㈠4h0.1MPa).

Type C: PET / PA / AL / CPP, PET / AL / PA / CPP. Amount of water vapor transmission: ≤0.5g / (m㈠4h); Amount of oxygen transmission: ≤0.5cm / (m㈠4h0.1MPa).

 Classified by cooking temperature

When the relative pressure is 110 psi, the corresponding temperature is l15cC; the shelf life is about 3 months.

When the relative pressure is Ps 1 15 psi, the corresponding temperature is 121cC; the shelf life is about 6 months.

When the relative pressure is PS 1 20 psi, the corresponding temperature is 126cC; the shelf life is about 12 months (transparent bag).

When the relative pressure is PS1 30 psi, the corresponding temperature is 135cC; the shelf life is about 24 months (aluminum foil bag).

Of course, the shelf life has a lot to do with the barrier properties of the cooking bag and the type of food.

However, those kinds of retort pouches are commonly used in our life right now while they do help to save the day! Let’s see:


The sturdy packaging of these pouches protects them during transportation, making them both cost-effective and temperature resistant. They can withstand variations up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit without leakage!


Retort pouches utilize just 5% of the packaging material and at the same time improve the food texture, flavor, and aroma. Also, the energy that goes into the production of these pouches is much less than what goes into making metal, paper, or glass packages. They are made with high-quality materials and are environment-friendly.

ECO-friendly packaging for cosmetics


Retort pouches can stand upright on the shelves and this helps in maintaining the food composition inside. They are also flat and hence take up very little space on the shelf as well as in the shopping bags.


Combinedly, all of the above advantages serve to make retort pouches the go-to packaging, especially in the food and beverage industry.


According to the introduction, the retort pouches are different according to the material and the number of layers. During use, you can also choose different specifications and types of cooking bags according to different cooking environments and foods.

It is undeniable that retort pouches are indeed closely related to our lives. In order to meet the current public’s pursuit of environmental protection concepts, many manufacturers have also started to develop green retort pouches.

PrimePac is a manufacturer specializing in packaging production. It pays attention to every detail from material selection to production. Technological innovation is productivity and it is your trusted cooking bag manufacturer.

About Primepac

Primepac is UK’s number 1 choice for plain and custom-printed high-quality packaging.

At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in the UK to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.

cosmetics packaging banner

Focus on the cosmetics packaging

About cosmetic packaging

Marketing situation right-now 

It’s important to have a great-looking package that catches the eye, but it needs more than just beauty in order for someone who sees your product on store shelves or online posts about new launches. In addition, being aesthetically pleasing with sleek designs and bright colors are essential marketing strategies because most people will stop at first glance if they like what is seen; especially when there may be other items worth buying afterward!

In our modern high-speed society, people’s cultural level is constantly rising. This means that their aesthetic concepts have improved even more so than before and as a product, they need good packaging to showcase what it contains effectively in order for them not only to be able but also want to! To do this you should take advantage of color association rules when designing your cosmetics boxes because these will satisfy women’s beauty needs while still showing off personality traits or value which can increase consumption rates among other things.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics
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cosmetics packaging -blog
Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics

The main psychological characteristics of female consumers  

The psychology of seeking beauty is outstanding. Everyone has a beautiful heart, and this is especially strong in female consumers. In the purchase process, women have a special preference for products that can beautify life, have strong decorative features, unique shapes and novel styles. Women have emotional memories which means they care deeply about their appearance – especially when buying things like makeup or skin care products because these can make them feel more confident in who are as person and then generate a certain desire to buy or possess, thereby laying the foundation for the realization of purchase behaviour.

The cognition is delicate and the decision-making has strong emotion. Female consumers have rich and delicate emotions. When they encounter interesting products, they are prone to purchase desires, and are also easily affected by the surrounding environment, and quickly make purchase decisions. When women make purchase decisions, they are easily tempted by the visual impression and the appearance of the product. Beautiful product packaging, bright window display, and a good shopping environment can arouse female consumers’ positive emotions and generate purchase desire.

Strong self-awareness and rich association. Female consumers often compare the self-comparison of goods in the purchase decision and associate the consumption effect of the goods. Female consumers often use the methods of peer evaluation and comparison in the propaganda media to feedback the impact of products on their self-image. Have a strong recommendation desire for the products you are satisfied with, and the rumor effect is more prominent for the products you are not satisfied with.

Packaging, originally designed to protect goods during transit, has long been expanded to include many highly innovative features. Products and packaging are coordinated and, where possible, personalized so that they can meet individual expectations without any additional cost.

Comparing to show off is more intense. Showing off the psychology of showing one’s superhuman place by shopping is a concrete manifestation of beauty and fashion. Contemporary women, especially young and middle-aged women with higher family incomes, like to compare with others in life, and always hope to live better, more comfortable, and richer than their colleagues, relatives, and friends. In their consumption activities, in addition to meeting their basic living consumption needs or making themselves more beautiful and fashionable, they may also pursue high-end, high-quality, high-priced brand-name products or have strange, vulgar, elegant appearance And other distinctive products to show their superior position, economic prosperity, and elegant taste.

The trend of cosmetic packaging design

Eco-responsible packaging should become a fashion. While the industrial revolution has caused rapid economic growth, it has also rapidly reduced ecological resources, and severely polluted and damaged the living environment of human beings, which has aroused the general concern of the whole society. Nowadays, people’s awareness of the environment is increasing, and they are more and more aware of the urgency of environmental issues and the importance of green cosmetics packaging.

Modern packaging design applies color association to packaging design scientifically and reasonably, making color design closer to life, and more towards modern environmental protection and natural design direction, which is also a requirement for colour. The association of colors is closely related to human personality, gender, living habits, psychological conditions, living environment, nationality, age, cultural level, etc., and changes with the changes in times and fashion.

If you want to catch someone’s eye, use color. The right shade can make your theme image pop and draw attention like nothing else! layouts are all about the organization for this reason- so they’ll be easy enough that anyone could navigate them while also remaining clear about what each part means in terms of reference or importance. It helps viewers pay attention to design, enhance the understanding of content, and enhance the appeal and formal beauty of the design.

The trend of packaging is getting closer to people’s cultural needs. In a broad sense, culture includes things at the material level as well as things at the spiritual level. In the narrow sense, culture mainly refers to things at the spiritual level, such as philosophy, religion, art, morality, and some materialized essences such as interests, systems, and behavioral methods. Modern packaging design has cultural characteristics corresponding to the market, and it is a reflection of the values, ethics, lifestyle, aesthetics, etc. of the local people.

Cosmetics packaging design today

The development of modern cosmetics is closely associated with trends in packaging. As the market continues to grow, so does consumer demand for unique and creative beauty products. Combining the development trend of cosmetics and its packaging, the DIY beauty packaging of modern cosmetics has the following characteristics in terms of choice of cosmetics packaging materials and containers, structural design of cosmetics packaging containers, and decoration design of cosmetics packaging containers:

Cosmetic packaging design trends

The application range of plastic materials and composite materials in cosmetic packaging is getting larger and larger, and the shape design of packaging containers, especially plastic bottles, tends to be diversified.

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glass bottome -cosmetic packaging

Use of glass bottles is restricted

Due to the inherent disadvantages of glass bottles (such as specific gravity, fragility, etc.), for general cosmetics packaging, if plastic materials or composite materials can be used instead of glass containers for packaging, plastic containers or composite containers are often used for packaging, and for high-end cosmetics Or volatile and easily scented cosmetics packaging, such as perfume, are usually packaged in glass bottles.

Diversification of packaging container

Diversification of packaging container specifications to meet different consumption levels. Due to the intensified competition in the cosmetics market, manufacturers are increasingly investing in cosmetics packaging. For low-to-medium-grade cosmetics, in order to meet different needs, the capacity of the packaging container is diversified to facilitate consumer choice; for high-end products, small-capacity packaging is used to meet the needs of low-income people, especially young girls Consumer psychology due to curiosity.

Serialization of cosmetic packaging design

The so-called serialized packaging design refers to the same type of product packaging design based on the premise of a unified trademark pattern and text font and based on different colors, water patterns, or different modeling structures. The requirements are the same as the differences, and the differences are the same. , Both diversified and holistic. In the practical application of cosmetic packaging, there are generally two cases. One is: a series of packages of cosmetics of the same brand and different functions are packaged to facilitate the purchase of consumers, while the overall price is lower than the total price of individual purchases.

The characteristics of cosmetics required

Cosmetics packaging should increasingly meet the needs of individual development. Cosmetics packaging must correctly communicate the characteristics of cosmetics required by different individual consumer needs, and express the aesthetic taste of different people, in order to successfully achieve the sales of cosmetics.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics
cosmetic packaging

Spray packaging for the convenience of consumers

Cosmetic packaging is becoming more and more creative with the goal of making it easier for consumers. Some examples include mousse, perfume or other products that use spray containers because these types can be conveniently handled by hand as well as easily stored without taking up too much space on your shelf!

High-end packaging

high-end cosmetics packaging, modern cosmetics packaging design focuses on the interaction between consumers and goods. by using cleverly designed packaging, beverage companies are able to create an interactive emotional dependence on their products. The most fashionable image spokesperson for this product is constantly passed onto young consumers through advertising campaigns that cater specifically towards them with “forefront” information concepts matching the needs of each age group.

The application of carton packaging

In the paper packaging structure of modern goods, the carton of the glue-free molding structure is becoming more and more popular.

In the fully automatic molding process, a lot of folding boxes of the glue-free structure began to replace traditional cartons with adhesive structures.

① Single carton cosmetics packaging and double-side wrapping folding carton This carton is mainly based on surface decoration to match the shape of the carton. The shape of the carton needs to be matched with the product design to highlight its practical features. The variety of make-up, such as pressed powder, eye shadow box, makeup box, etc.

②Single bottle with compartment folding carton This is a perfume box that comes with a soap gift in China. This carton consumes more paper, but the compartment structure can provide a good buffer Effect, can effectively protect goods, and the size of the cosmetics packaging content can not be seen from the surface, more suitable for cosmetics packaging. It should be noted that the structure of the carton must be made of cardboard with better flexibility.

③Cross-sealed folding carton This is a folding carton used by Shiseido cosmetics to package perfumes. The design direction is to open the display in the window as the main purpose, which can better display the goods. The inside of the box is also printed with exquisite patterns to match the packaged perfume container. The sealed carton can be suitable for transportation and sales needs. It is a typical display and transport dual-use carton.

In addition, combination packaging is a branch of serialized cosmetics packaging, which can also be called collective cosmetics packaging. It is to package cosmetics of the same brand and different functions in a series of packages to facilitate the purchase of consumers and at the same time make the overall price lower than the total price of individual purchases. For example, there are various kinds of noble cosmetics such as makeup packaging gift boxes powder, eye cream, lipstick, etc. are packaged in complete gift boxes, which can improve the valuable quality and sales force of the products. Coupled with the successful decoration design to enhance its visual impact, it is even a good cosmetics packaging choice. The most typical one is a folding carton. The compartment design in the structure can be flexibly adjusted according to the number and shape of the contents.


cosmetics packaging design is one of the most important and direct advertisements for your product. In order to maximize customer exposure in stores, it's crucial that you have an eye-catching package - which will also help increase awareness about what lies inside!


At PrimePac, we bring together design experts and brand innovators to create fresh ideas, customized packages, and fully efficient processes.

We design creative cosmetics packaging solutions that cater to a diverse global audience with the in-house knowledge and network of experienced professionals to meet the demands of every type of client.

From our dedicated sales team and warehouse staff in the UK to the experts at our production facilities in China, all of our employees are guided by four core values at the heart of our business: integrity, innovation, passion, and engagement.

With our team in China and UK working as one, we reduce inefficiency so that you deal with one streamlined team from manufacturing right to delivery.

Service support team located in Guangzhou, the manufacturing hub of China, providing rapid response, and local industry knowledge. Warehouse and 3PL net work located in Sydney, to provide rapid distribution, and delivery to your customers.

Eco-friendly packaging for cosmetics